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If you have questions or want to make an appointment, then contact:


Oleg Fastovsky

Maryland Criminal Defender

Convenient office locations in the heart of Baltimore, as well as Howard, Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties.


Business Hours:


8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Phone: 443-414-6504

Fax: 443-769-1556





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Case Results


Montgomery County Man was

facing 18 years incarceration on a violation of probation.  Prosecutor, and judge wanted significant incarceration.  Attorney Fastovsky uncovered and argued a flaw in the judge's original sentence years earlier.  Judge agreed that the defense was right and VOP was dismissed in its entirety.


25-Year-Old Baltimore Man charged with assault.  Roomate accused client of attack.  Due to prior criminal record, prosecutors were seeking substantial jail.  Following a jury trial, jury deliberated less than an hour before returning a unainmous verdict of Not Guilty. 


College Student Faced Numerous Counts of theft. Frostburg student charged with stealing cell phones from locker room.  Police entered client's room and found numerous phones.  Attorney Fastovsky challenged the illegal entry by police. After substantial argument, judge agreed with the defense that the police activity was unlawful.  Result: Not Guilty on all counts.  


Eastern Shore Man Charged with Felony Child Abuse.  Halfway through an 8-day jury trial, after intense pressure, cross examination and argument, Defendant exited the courtroom a free man, with no criminal record or convictions, and eligible for an early good-cause expungement of all charges filed against him in the matter. 


Woman Faced Perjury Charges and Deportation. Woman from India charged with Perjury and faced deportation if found guilty. Woman convicted in District Court and sentenced to incarceration. On appeal and following a jury trial, in which Mr. Fastovsky artfully cross-examined the State's witnesses and presented a powerful theory of the case, the jury returned a unanimous verdict of Not Guilty.



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